Monday, November 23, 2009

Icom IC-2100 Amateur Radio Review

One famous Icom amateur radio is IC-2100. It's widely used around the world and many world radio amateurs use this radio inside their ham shack or mobile. Icom IC2100 equipped with final module SAV17 and resulting of 55 watts power output. And the most important thing is this radio designed to meet requirements between performance and price.

But read review from several sources, Icom IC2100 has unsolved problem. It will generate crackles noise when you transmit. Sometimes when the IC2100 crackles going so heavy, you can hear it also on your speaker while you go transmit it. Many IC2100 users reporting this crackles noise. Even it's very easy to fix, I believe this desease is reducing your QSO fun. If your IC2100 go crackling, just loos the screw on main board and tighten again. You have to open your IC2100 cover. Doing it carefully.

Another problem on Icom IC2100 is the ceramic base quality of final module SAV17. Different with previous Icom VHF radio, this time Icom not carefully choose SAV17. Because the ceramic base of this final module is too thin so make it too crispy. Excessive heat will broke that thin ceramic. So NEVER use high power output to your Icom IC2100 or the SAV17 will broke and stop working. If this thing already happen to your Icom IC2100, it's very easy to fix it. Just resolder it using silver solder or any solder with high temperatur. Also use glass magnifier to search the broken ceramic section. Solder on that section.

Some users reporting difficulties when they program this radio. Inserting memory and inserting repeaters with duplex function. Sometimes going harder with additional set like CTCSS and power output. But I believe programming is subjective. Some people may had difficulties but others don't. So it's depend on yourself.

The last review I got is intermodulation. Sometimes this radio catch intermodulation noise. But, again, it's subjective to users. It's very difficult to obtain clear sky free of noise on area where many RF signals transmitted. And I believe Icom has better receive filter than Alinco products. But the best filter is Yaesu. So if you already complain with this IC2100 intermodulation issue, you will had heart attack when you use Alinco radio.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Long Range Radio

I see people do a lot search about long range radio communication. Maybe they want to buy two way radio communication and make their own research before they buy the radio. But are they now, how long a communication radio can establish is depend several things?

Sure the most important thing is the radio capabilities itself. The two way radio equipped with high power transmission is had better opportunity of long range radio communication. But sometime this factor is not the key. Lower power two way radio communication in some condition possible to make longer range two way radio communication.

Second factor is the antenna used. A directional and higher gain antenna commonly will result longer range radio communication rather than non directional antenna. But higher gain also mean higher noise you will create and higher noise you will get also on your radio receiver unit.

Third is the antenna position. The success key is "higher is better". On VHF and above bands, when a pair communication radio must can "see" each other, place the antenna on high level will give best two way communication radio result. But please be careful if you place an non-directional antenna at hill top or mountain top, your transmission can spread very wide to whole area. It's possible to add unnecessary noise to other radio communicatio service. So it's best to place a direction antenna system on a high place.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Icom IC-2200H VHF Radio

I have a good memory about this Icom IC-2200H VHF radio unforgetable, this is my first buy-from-new radio. I bought my IC-2200H at year of 2002. First, I'm very happy and enjoy. Then suddenly turning into dizzy and cry after one week. Why? I will tell you the story on the end of the post.

Basically, Icom IC-2200 is nice vhf radio. It's simple and easy to use. The metal body is carefully casted so give strong impression and rugged. Choice of LCD light colors add more impressions. Function buttons also carefully programmed to make easy during this vhf radio operations. Icom IC-2200 give high 65 watts of RF power output, an adequate power to establish two way radio communications for up to 80 km on normal rural circumstances. But the most favorite feature I like is Icom IC-2200 also capable to receive vhf air band operation with is wide receiver coverage. I like to listen air band traffic. And Icom IC-2200 is equipped with 118-174 MHz vhf receiver coverage and AM mode.

Icom IC-2200 vhf also ready to D-STAR internet operation. But this feature need UT-118 module installed before you go to D-STAR. UT-118 module is needed to provide digital voice and data communication at 4800 bps speed.

The bad thing about Icom IC-2200H vhf radio is usage of RF final module that very easy to broke. Not broke the mosfet, but the base ceramic where all the modul components placed. When the ceramic broken, it will disconnect the connection strip. And the result is no RF output from your vhf radio. I experienced this one week after purchase IC-2200. So I open the radio case (and broke the warranty), open the final module and resolder it.

I always use high power during my operations. Unfortunately heat created is hotter than ceramic can handle. So it broke. Then I sold my Icom IC-2200 one week later after I fix it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Depok Contest 2009 - Tiada Duanya

Depok Contest balik maning !! Nek cara saya, Depok contest adalah contest yang paling menarik. Karena yang dipertukarkan adalah QTH Locator. Mana ada contest selain Depok contest yang memilih QTH Locator untuk dipertukarkan. Manfaatnya banyak, kita-kita para amatir radio yang ngga pernah dapet bimbingan dari organisasi pasti jadi ngerti apa itu QTH Locator. Jadi inget, dulu waktu masih YD di lokal Semarang, waktu saya tanya QTH Locator, dikasih OI 53 EA dan berlaku di seluruh kodya. Ya namanya masih YD, manggut-manggut aja takut diomelin sama senior-senior. Galak-galak banget lo di lokal Semarang (dulu). Rupanya setelah belajar sendiri (dari Depok contest), QTH Locator cuma berlaku di kotak ukuran 4,5km x 9 km. Dan OI 53 EA adalah QTH Locator di kantor pos Johar. La saya yang dulu tinggal di Tembalang (sekitar 15km) pasti udah beda jauh.

Saya ada artikel mengenai QTH Locator yang lebih komplit di blog saya yang lain. Silahkan dikunjungi. Termasuk cara mudah menghitung QTH Locator anda sendiri. Saran saya sih, anda jangan percaya apa kata pengurus lokal anda soal QTH Locator. Cari tahu sendiri koordinat tepat anda dan konversikan ke QTH Locator. Dan gunakan di dalam Depok contest besok.

Buat panitia Depok contest 2009, nyuwun sewu mohon maap ngga bisa ikutan meramaikan. Soalnya ada kendala teknis. Saya ngga punya antenna 80m. Kalopun punya, percuma juga dipake karena static noise yang udah S9 di Gresik. Hampir ngga denger apa-apa. Kemarin aja bisa ikutan Grobogan contest hanya karena 40m juga ada kontes. Tapi amanat panitia Depok contest untuk membantu menyebarluaskan juklak sudah saya laksanakan. Dan himbauan kepada calon-calon panitia contest yang lain yang sekiranya membutuhkan publikasi juklak via internet, dipersilahkan untuk mengirimkan juklak contest nya ke saya via email yb2mta [at] . Insya Allah saya taruh di blog. Selama ini sih lumayan banyak yang download juklak-juklak contest yang sudah saya publikasikan. Ada saksinya di kotak Feedjit. Silahkan anda klik untuk melihat detail pengunjung blog ini. Cuma please file juklaknya jangan terlalu besar. Cukup maksimal 500 kB total untuk 3-4 file juklak contest yang komplet.

Duh sampe lupa. Bagi co-konco yang membutuhkan juklak Depok contest 2009, seperti biasa saya titipkan di web suarclub di link . File berukuran 420 kB dan berisi 3 file utama.

Selamat ber kontes. Contest must be fun. If not fun, it must be not a contest. Believe me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Kartini Contest 2009 - Sejak 1918

He he he. Abisnya bingung mo nanya ke siapa, Kartini Contest dimulai sejak tahun berapa. Mo nanya ke P. Tim YB2BGZ, sungkan. Akhirnya daripada kelamaan bingung, sekalian aja jadi korban iklan, "sejak 1918". Tentu tidak selama itu Kartini Contest yang sebenarnya. Karena pada tahun-tahun itu masih tahap awal pengembangan teknologi wireless.

Yang jelas, Kartini contest adalah contest yang sudah tercantum di IARU contest calendar. Jadi pasti ini sudah lama sekali. Wong saya aja yang first licensed 1999 aja udah pernah ikut Kartini contest. Jadi sudah lama sekali. Dan tahun 2009 kali ini Kartini contest, sebuah event kontest andalan orari daerah Jawa Tengah, kembali dihelat.

Pelaksanaanya direncanakan berlangsung pada tanggal 18 April 2009 mulai 1200 z sampai tanggal 19 April 2009 1700 z. Slot frekuensi yang digunakan adalah 3,805 - 3,9 Mc dan 144,38 - 145,8 Mc. Kartini contest 2009 menggunakan exchange report RS + Nama Lokal + YL (untuk YL station).

Yang selalu unik dari event Kartini contest adalah poin ekstra bagi yang ber QSO dengan YL station. Sehingga di event ini YL station menjadi buruan peserta yang lain. Jadi inget ke senior YC2PSJ dulu. Orangnya memang spesial. Kadang sok nyleneh positip. Pernah ikut Kartini contest tapi sengaja hanya mencari YL station tok. Kalo sedang buka warung (running mode) dan yang masuk OM station, ditolaknya sambil bercanda. Asyik sekali. "Maaf saya cuma cari YL station tok ini", begitu kata YC2PSJ. Kemana ya beliau. Saploknya jadi pejabat dulu di pemkab Cilacap, trus ngga kedenger lagi kiprahnya. Terutama di Nusantara Net.

Bagi co-konco yang membutuhkan juklak Kartini contest 2009, silahkan download di link rapidshare ini. File berukuran 4MB berisi komplit juklak Kartini Contest. Maaf ngga sempet resize sehingga beresiko gagal download. Dan mengingat account saya di rapidshare cuma gratisan, jadi file itu hanya bisa di download 10x. Selebihnya akan dihapus dari rapidshare.

Selamat berkontes. Contesting is always give maximum fun. Believe me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Grobogan Contest 2009 - Indonesia Event

If you heard a lot acvities from Indonesia during 14-15 March 2009 tomorrow, maybe you will hear Grobogan contest. Contest event is organize by Grobogan city local radio amateur club. Grobogan is situated about 700 km east from Jakarta. Reviewing the Grobogan contest rules, seems the organizer allowing participation from outside Indonesia.

If you interested, I put below the basic details of Grobogan contest:
date: 14 March 2009, 13 GMT - 15 March 2009, 13 GMT.
frequencies: 3,805 - 3,9 Mc and 7,04 - 7,099 Mc
mode is PHO only
category: SOSB, SO2B and MOST
exchange: RST + serial number + your local ham club

The organizer was issuing rules in Bahasa. These are a lot more details there. So tell me if you want to do more, ie. scoring, log submission, etc. I will reply them. I store the rules here.

The prices are good. The organizer prepare HF base station antennas, mobile antennas and SWR meters for each SOSB, SO2B and MOST categories. And Best Of The Best winner will get one HF radio transceiver as the prize.

Give them a chance to record you as first International participants on Grobogan contest - Indonesia history. Surprise them with your logs. Find problem, tell me.

Grobogan Contest 2009 - A Major YB-Land Event

Tahun baru datang, berarti Grobogan contest akan ada lagi. Sebuah event contest akbar dari YB-land yang selalu ramai diminati amatir radio Indonesia. Pesertanya selalu banyak. Hadiahnya juga oke. Hasil kontes selalu ada (beda dengan kontes lain yang kadang-kadang lambat prosesnya atau bahkan ngga ada result nya). Pokoke nomor satu lah Grobogan contest, mah.

Tahun 2009 ini kontes akan berlangsung pada tanggal 14-15 Maret. Direncanakan akan berlangsung selama 24 jam dari 1300 UTC. Frekuensi di band idola amatir radio Indonesia di 3,805 - 3,9 Mhz serta 7,04 - 7,099 Mc dengan mode PHO. Saya ngga tau kategori yang diadakan di Grobogan contest 2008 lalu, tapi istimewa sekali tahun ini ada kategori SO2B (single op- 2 bands), SOSB (single op-single band) dan MOST (multi ops-single trasmitter). Wah bolehlah saya berharap Grobogan contest suatu hari nanti akan jadi international event, menggantikan AIC orari pusat yang sudah mandeg sejak 1999. Bahkan, jujur saja, kalo saya perhatikan juklaknya, logsheet submission dan persyaratan tidak menyebutkan harus anggota orari. Sepertinya peserta non orari juga diperbolehkan ikut. Apalagi kondisi propagasi saat ini saat oke untuk menjangkau wilayah pantai barat Amerika di menit-menit awal Grobogan contest. Coba nanti saya akan post dalam bahasa mereka siapa tau ada yang berminat. Cuma kendalanya mungkin di exchange report karena harus menyebutkan local club.

Juklak Grobogan contest saya terima berupa juklak asli yang di foto menggunakan ponsel Nokia 3120 pada tgl 27 Pebruari 2009 jam 14.35. Bukan hasil scan, tapi dijepret dengan ponsel kamera nokia 3120. Seperti biasa, juklak saya simpan di di link ini. Silahkan anda download kalo anda membutuhkan juklak Grobogan contest 2009. Pengirim juklak ke saya adalah YB1TC yang menerima forward dari YD1CBY.

Selamat berkontes. Contesting is the most fun source than any other amateur activities. Semoga jadi juara semua. Hadiahnya 1 unit radio HF lo. Kepengin nggak?

Ternyata saya dapat juklak lagi. Yang sekali lebih bagus karena hasil scan. Cuma ukurannya besar sekali jadi terpaksa saya resize.
1. Grobogan juklak 150 kb di sini
2. Grobogan logsheet 150 kb di sini
3. Grobogan summary 120 kb di sini
4. Grobogan komplet 4 MB di sini

Monday, February 23, 2009

ARRL International DX Contest 2009 - Thank You

Triggered by happy feeling one hour before the ARRL International DX contest 2009 started as posted before, I decide to join the contest in confident mood. I believe I will got a lof of fun from this big event held US Radio Amateur league. And later my mood was fully payed by the fun.

Preparations are not much as I only use pen-and-paper logging system, manually keying with iambic paddle. My plan is work at 40m Single Operator Single Band Low Power. Radio is my fave (because I don't have any other) Alinco DX70, tuned to 80w. Antenna is my fave also (because I don't have budget allocation to build a representative tower) the inverted V model, monoband 40m, 9m high AGL on the top galvanized pipe support. Coax cable is 8 years old RG-58, 14 meters long. Now you can imagine my station setup. A budget radio, budget antenna, budget coax and sure budget logging system. And ofcourse a budget contest result also. Hi hi.

Propagation index is very low. SFI=70 while K=0. Still bad propagation condition during the contest. Start joining the contest at 09:00 UTC or 16:00 my local time to meet greyline schedule between YB3 and US West Coast. First I did a S&P. Start logging with K7GK from Oregon. Then followed by N6RO, W6YI, N6AA and others. All of their signals is very-very strong, real 599 and even +10 dB. Sure it's possible they use KW. But the most important is they can hear me with my limitations. Seems propagation is opened in that time slot between YB3 and US West Coast.

After several minutes in S&P mode, suddenly I had power black out down here. It was rain and some thunders sparking the sky at that moment. And the power back after one hour more in the darkness. Now I change my strategy to running mode. I sat in one frequency and call CQ. My log then increase rapidly. Many new state was logged on first evening. Frequency condition is very clear. Low QRN and QRM (pirate stations from my local people), almost no radar jamming sound. And still spaces available to go running mode.

Second evening I'm not too lucky to find good frequency to running mode. Occupations are heavy. Maybe they move to new band as they work another on first day. So I only go S&P. Only several times running mode but always terminated by QRM. Can't stay longer in one frequency.

I close the log with 73 QSO's, ended by K0HA, with 4818 points.

I got good learn from ARRL International DX contest 2009. First, I like many US stations speed is in "normal". Between 15-25 wpm. Some of them are below 12 wpm. It should can encourage my local hams with low speed to join this event next year. Very different when joining WAE or logging EU stations. They usually use 30 wpm or more.

Second, budget station like me can use greyline propagation as a good vehicle to deliver the signals. Can't image, many stations who separated ten thousands kilometers away but the signals are in same level with my local hams. It should can encourage my local hams here in confidence joining the contest even they only have budget station setup.

Third, greyline propagation give me enough time to take a rest and family. Contest is in weekend and weekend usually is family day. We can do it both without leave one to another. It's very happy joining contest at 40m band.

Indonesia stations who I heard on 40m are YB1ALL (hello cak Gustian), YD2LEV (hello cak Ardi), YB3XM, YB2UTX, YC2EUZ, YB4IR, YD1BJX and others. So it will be a tough competition to certificate. That's okay since competition will always resulting a competancy. The best is the winner.

Good luck to you all. And see you next year.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Communication With Very Far Countries

Very nice saturday this time. I had surprises this morning and this is makes me happy. I know in next several minutes to go, one big event contest, ARRL International DX Contest, will be held. This event usually involving a lot participation from many countries. So I try my luck to scan 7Mc in this grey line slot. In this slot, when we Indonesian start a new day morning, our counterparts countries are going to evening. From here, South America is the most tough region to contact outside of grey line slot.

First, big pile up activity heard from Desecheo island dxpedition K5D. I can't hear the island, but the pile up on 7,025 is very very hugh. Scanning down, hear some weak station. I'm not too confident try to call theme. Continue scanning, suddenly I heard one big signal fro PT7CG (Brazil). His signal is real 599. A very far country but I can hear so strong. Very easy to establish communication with him. Just one call and he copy my callsign. He gave me 559. I'm so happy since I was only using 100w and inverted V antenna with only 9m high AGL on top side. It's a non representative antenna to make a DX communication. But this morning this antenna (and propagation ofcourse) give me fun. Brazil is thousands kilometers away from Gresik, my city. The long path is almost same with short path.

Continuing my scan down and hear HA1AG Zoli (Hungary). His signal also very very strong. I gave him 599, a real 599 report. Even no QSB in between. Inside our conversation, HA1AG told me he use 1KW power. I'm sure he will use to join the ARRL contest.

Good luck you guys. Happy contesting. And thanks for log me in.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Medan Utara Contest 2009

Memenuhi permintaan khusus dari ketua panitia Medan Utara contest, maka saya posting di sini juklak Medan Utara contest bagi anda yang membutuhkan. P.Ardi YC6KGY menghubungi saya via email untuk membantu promosi contest yang dihelat teman-teman dari Medan Utara ini. Tapi sampai sore ini, juklak yang YC6KGY janjikan ternyata tidak pernah saya terima via email. Justru setelah saya sedang tuning blog saya yang lain, malah ketemu blog resmi panitia Medan Utara contest di . Justru dari sana lah saya berhasil download meski susah payah. Iya, susah payah karena file nya ternyata besar sekali sekitar 3,3 MB. Hampir satu jam saya download karena keterbatasan koneksi. Dan mungkin karena ukuran yang besar itu yang menyebabkan YC6KGY mengalami problem saat upload nya.

Medan Utara contest 2009 rencananya akan dilaksanakan tgl 14 Pebruari 2009 (pas valentine day dong) selama 12 jam mulai 12:00 GMT. Mode yang digunakan adalah PHONE only. Frekuensi di dalam range 3,81 - 3,89 Mc. Report exchange adalah RST + nama ORARI lokal masing-masing peserta.

Hadiahnya bo, hadiahnya. Keren punya dah. Ngga kalah sama kontes-kontes sebelumnya. Disediakan sejumlah uang untuk juara nasional I-IV. Perinciannya ada di juklak, silahkan baca sendiri aja biar puas.

Sebelum lupa, juklak saya simpan di web Suarclub di link ini. Ukuran file 190 kB saja tetapi hanya berisi dua file saja yaitu juklak dan summary sheet. Semata-mata supaya ngga susah payah yang mo download. Kalo mo komplet 5 file, silahkan langsung ke blog resmi panitia.

Selamat berkontes. Kontes pasti menyenangkan.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Juklak Jember Anniversary Contest 2009

ASEM!! Kaget, kucek-kucek mata, jebul udah jam 18.28 z ! Buru-buru lari ke radio room, dan scan 3,8 Mc nyari keriuhan Jember contest cw. Ternyata cuma menyisakan derau yang tinggi sampe +10dB. Sudah ngga denger apa-apa lagi. Lemes deh. Padahal udah niat mo ngramein kontes besutan sodara sesama YB3. Gara-gara ngeloni anak dulu supaya ngga ada "QRM", malah yang didapat cuma mbangkong dan bonus QRN. Nasib ... nasib. Memang malem ini masih menyisakan yang PHO mode, tapi biarlah itu untuk anda-anda penggemar PHO mode.

Bagi anda yang membutuhkan juklak Jember Anniversary Contest 2009, saya simpan di hosting nya web suarclub. Please feel free to download. File dalam format PDF dan berukuran 96 kb. Semoga cukup kecil untuk anda ya.

Akhirnya, selamat meramaikan Jember Anniversary Contest. Dan jangan lupa, contesting pasti menyenangkan. Kalo tidak menyenangkan, pasti karena antenna anda kurang tinggi.